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Update grafana variable example

Update grafana variable example


For Grafana v8.3.0+ variables used by HTMLGraphics won't update when the variable is changed unless it's wrapped in ${}.

testVariable used




// For Grafana v8.3.0+ the variable needs to be wrapped in ${}
const { testVariable } = customProperties;
const testVariableName = testVariable.replace(/[${}]/g, '');
const buttonElt = htmlNode.querySelector('button');

Update a grafana variable

More information in the grafana docs
function updateGrafanaVariable(variableName, value) {
[`var-${variableName}`]: value,
true // replace: true tells Grafana to update the current URL state, rather than creating a new history entry.

// Old method using getLocationSrv
/* getLocationSrv().update({
query: {
[`var-${variableName}`]: value,
partial: true, // partial: true makes the update only affect the query parameters listed in query, and leaves the other query parameters unchanged.
replace: true, // replace: true tells Grafana to update the current URL state, rather than creating a new history entry.
}); */

function getGrafanaVariableValue(variable) {
return getTemplateSrv().replace(variable);

function updateButtonText() {
buttonElt.textContent = `${testVariableName}'s current value is: ${getGrafanaVariableValue(testVariable)}`;

buttonElt.onclick = function () {
updateGrafanaVariable(testVariableName, getGrafanaVariableValue(testVariable) == 'b' ? 'a' : 'b');

When the variable changes panelupdate will trigger.
The panelupdate is used to update the button text so the text is the same as the variable.
htmlNode.addEventListener('panelupdate', () => {

Custom properties

"testVariable": "${testVariable}"

Panel options (import/export)

"calcsMutation": "standard",
"reduceOptions": {
"calcs": [
"add100Percentage": true,
"centerAlignContent": true,
"overflow": "visible",
"SVGBaseFix": true,
"codeData": "{\n \"testVariable\": \"${testVariable}\"\n}",
"rootCSS": "",
"css": "",
"html": "<button></button>\n",
"renderOnMount": true,
"onRender": "",
"dynamicData": false,
"dynamicHtmlGraphics": false,
"dynamicFieldDisplayValues": false,
"dynamicProps": false,
"panelupdateOnMount": true,
"onInitOnResize": false,
"onInit": "// For Grafana v8.3.0+ the variable needs to be wrapped in ${}\nconst { testVariable } = customProperties;\nconst testVariableName = testVariable.replace(/[${}]/g, \"\");\nconst buttonElt = htmlNode.querySelector('button');\n\n/*\n Update a grafana variable\n\n More information in the grafana docs\n\n*/\nfunction updateGrafanaVariable(variableName, value) {\n getLocationSrv().update({\n query: {\n [`var-${variableName}`]: value,\n },\n partial: true, // partial: true makes the update only affect the query parameters listed in query, and leaves the other query parameters unchanged.\n replace: true, // replace: true tells Grafana to update the current URL state, rather than creating a new history entry.\n });\n}\n\nfunction getGrafanaVariableValue(variable) {\n return getTemplateSrv().replace(variable);\n}\n\nfunction updateButtonText() {\n buttonElt.textContent = `${testVariableName}'s current value is: ${getGrafanaVariableValue(testVariable)}`;\n}\n\nbuttonElt.onclick = function () {\n updateGrafanaVariable(testVariableName, getGrafanaVariableValue(testVariable) == 'b' ? 'a' : 'b');\n};\n\n/*\n When the variable changes panelupdate will trigger.\n The panelupdate is used to update the button text so the text is the same as the variable.\n*/\nhtmlNode.addEventListener('panelupdate', () => {\n updateButtonText();\n});\n"