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Value options

Mutate calcs


Reducer id and calcs are sometimes referred to as the same thing. Calcs here are referred to as the values in the calcs object inside the data object.


Mutate calcs doesn't remove existing calcs added by Grafana. It only adds to it.

Changing from "All calcs" to "No mutation" will show all calcs until the dashboard is refreshed. The data object needs to be updated to remove "previous" calcs

This option is useful because some data sources don't add the desired calcs (some don't add calcs at all), which sometimes makes it harder to get the desired value from this plugin.

Calcs like max, min, diff, ETC are added with any calcs, which means that only some custom calcs are allowed.

You can check the calcs properties with fieldReducers.

Standard calcs (calcs with {standard: true})

"allIsNull": false,
"allIsZero": false,
"count": 1081,
"delta": 5160.296223387697,
"diff": -27.562124876418547,
"diffperc": -0.7987191943927379,
"first": 34.50790349088066,
"firstNotNull": 34.50790349088066,
"last": 6.945778614462109,
"lastNotNull": 6.945778614462109,
"logmin": 6.606859716238607,
"max": 35.886042023999536,
"mean": 19.436556881379083,
"min": 6.606859716238607,
"nonNullCount": 1081,
"previousDeltaUp": false,
"range": 29.27918230776093,
"step": -0.4993308915394312,
"sum": 21010.917988770787

All calcs

"allIsNull": false,
"allIsZero": false,
"count": 720,
"delta": -715.3035540645247,
"diff": -7.021496923427495,
"diffperc": -4.946144132468452,
"first": 1.4195900352631468,
"firstNotNull": 1.4195900352631468,
"last": -5.601906888164349,
"lastNotNull": -5.601906888164349,
"logmin": 0.07720417385470929,
"max": 3.184124812796603,
"mean": -4.219071496932824,
"min": -11.131454766473656,
"nonNullCount": 720,
"previousDeltaUp": false,
"range": 14.31557957927026,
"step": -0.49997734159248264,
"sum": -3037.7314777916336,

// Different from standard
"allValues": [
... // 717 more values
"changeCount": 719,
"distinctCount": 720,

allValues, changeCount, and distinctCount are not standard calcs.

HTML graphics

Fit content to panel

It's mainly for SVG, as it will scale the content based on the panel size. Adds the height and width of the first element to 100% in the HTML/SVG code.

<!-- style is not needed here. It's only used to show that it overwrites the existing style as well. -->
<div style="height: 10px">First element</div>
<div style="height: 20px">Second element</div>
<div style="height: 30px">Third element</div>


<div height="100%" width="100%" style="height: 100%; width: 100%;">First element</div>
<div style="height: 20px">Second element</div>
<div style="height: 30px">Third element</div>

Center align content

Vertically and horizontally aligns the panel content to the center. Adds "display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center" to the shadow root container.


Chooses what happens if content overflows outside the panel. "Fit content to panel" is recommended to turn on with some of these options, as some won't work without it.

Overflow options

Use Grafana scrollbar

Requires Overflow to be Visible. Wraps the scrollbar from Grafana around the ShadowRoot container.

Root CSS

CSS loaded outside the shadow root. Useful for font faces and imports.

Below code imports the Stick No Bills font

Root CSS

@import url('');

The font can be used inside the CSS code.


* {
font-family: 'Stick No Bills', sans-serif;


The style which can be used to style the HTML/SVG document. Gets added before to the HTML/SVG document.

/* The CSS */
<div>HTML/SVG document</div>

HTML/SVG document

The html/svg code which is displayed on the panel.

Run onRender when mounted

Run onRender when the panel is first loaded (in most cases, this should be true)


Executes the code every render (when new data is available).

Dynamic htmlGraphics


Check out Dynamic variables for more info.

Updates htmlGraphics when new data is available.

Dynamic data

Updates the data object when new data is available. The code will not execute again. it will only update the data object. Dynamic data is only for onInit, onRender will update like normal.

Dynamic fieldDisplayValues

Updates fieldDisplayValues when new data is available.

Dynamic props


Only values under htmlGraphics.props becomes dynamic. Internally the htmlGraphics.width comes from props, but it does not become dynamic because it's mapped to the int value.

Updates props when new data is available.

Trigger panelupdate when mounted

Trigger the panelupdate event (htmlNode.onpanelupdate) when the panel is first loaded (in most cases, this should be true)

Trigger onInit on resize


This doesn't trigger any cleanup or onpanelwillunmount. It will only trigger onInit.

Trigger the onInit code when the panels' width/height changes.

Without onInitOnResize



const [heightValueElt, widthValueElt] = htmlNode.querySelectorAll('.value-field');

// Used to store the initial
const storedPanelSize = {
height: htmlGraphics.height,
width: htmlGraphics.width,

const updateValueText = () => {
// Important that htmlGraphics.height or width is used inside the function.
// If height or width is destructured outside the function they will not get the new height.
heightValueElt.textContent = htmlGraphics.height;
widthValueElt.textContent = htmlGraphics.width;

const updateStoredPanelSize = () => {
storedPanelSize.height = htmlGraphics.height;
storedPanelSize.width = htmlGraphics.width;

// Show the height and width right away.

htmlNode.onpanelupdate = () => {
const isPanelSizeUpdate = !(
htmlGraphics.height == storedPanelSize.height && htmlGraphics.width === storedPanelSize.width

if (isPanelSizeUpdate) {

// Update the previously stored values with the new height and witdth

With onInitOnResize



const [heightValueElt, widthValueElt] = htmlNode.querySelectorAll('.value-field');

const updateValueText = () => {
heightValueElt.textContent = htmlGraphics.height;
widthValueElt.textContent = htmlGraphics.width;


Full code example dynamic-height-and-width


Executes when the panel loads


SVG base fix

Fixes an issue in Firefox where xlink:href needs the url to be able to find the link.


Exiting and entering edit mode may cause it break, but pressing f5 fixes it.

Custom properties

Custom properties can be used to easily change values when multiple people are working on it. E.g.

  • Change the range of a color.
  • Toggle between showcase and production mode to show how it would look if there were values.
  • Toggle between themes.
  • Increase the max value of a bar.

Having a json file sort of as a configuration file makes it much easier to copy a panel and change some values in the json file instead of going through the javascript code.

Think of this scenario: You have three dashboards with similar graphics. The only difference is a value range. You can create one code for all three panels and have a configuration file (Custom properties) with the ranges. It also makes it much easier to change later on (bugs, changes, and additions) when the code is similar on all the panels.

Edit as JSON

Shows the JSON code in a code editor


Import a file with the file picker (a file can be dragged to it) or paste the json code into the code editor.

All the options and code can be easily copied (exported) or imported with this.

The bundlers generate a panel-options.json file, making it easy to copy the generated code into the panel.