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Communicate between panels

Send data from one panel to a different one.

Communicate between panels

This uses CustomEvent to dispatch events to the document. Which makes it available for all panels if they listen to the htmlGraphics event.



<button>Dispatch event and pass the metric value <strong /></button>


// Sets the value from the first series on every refresh
const htmlgraphicsValue = htmlNode.querySelector('strong');

if (htmlgraphicsValue) {
const valueField = data.series[0]?.fields[1];
if (valueField) {
const length = valueField.values.length;
htmlgraphicsValue.textContent = valueField.values.get(length - 1);
} else {
htmlgraphicsValue.textContent = 'No data';


const buttonElt = htmlNode.querySelector('button');
const valueElt = htmlNode.querySelector('strong');

buttonElt.onclick = () => {
htmlGraphicsEvent = new CustomEvent('htmlgraphics', { detail: valueElt.textContent });

Panel options (import/export)

"calcsMutation": "standard",
"reduceOptions": {
"calcs": [
"add100Percentage": true,
"centerAlignContent": true,
"overflow": "visible",
"SVGBaseFix": true,
"codeData": "{\n \"text\": \"Random text\"\n}",
"rootCSS": "",
"css": "* {\n font-family: Open Sans;\n}\n",
"html": "<button>Dispatch event and pass the metric value <strong /></button>\n",
"renderOnMount": true,
"onRender": "// Sets the value from the first series on every refresh\nconst htmlgraphicsValue = htmlNode.querySelector(\"strong\");\n\nif (htmlgraphicsValue) {\n const valueField = data.series[0]?.fields[1];\n if (valueField) {\n const length = valueField.values.length;\n htmlgraphicsValue.textContent = valueField.values.get(length - 1);\n } else {\n htmlgraphicsValue.textContent = \"No data\"\n }\n}\n",
"dynamicData": false,
"dynamicHtmlGraphics": false,
"dynamicFieldDisplayValues": false,
"dynamicProps": false,
"panelupdateOnMount": true,
"onInit": "const buttonElt = htmlNode.querySelector(\"button\");\nconst valueElt = htmlNode.querySelector(\"strong\");\n\nbuttonElt.onclick = () => {\n htmlGraphicsEvent = new CustomEvent(\"htmlgraphics\", { detail: valueElt.textContent });\n document.dispatchEvent(htmlGraphicsEvent);\n};\n"



<div style="text-align: center;">Recieved value <strong /></div>


const valueElt = htmlNode.querySelector('strong');

const doSomething = (e) => {
const value = e.detail;
valueElt.textContent = value;

document.addEventListener('htmlgraphics', doSomething);

htmlNode.onpanelwillunmount = () => {
document.removeEventListener('htmlgraphics', doSomething);

Panel options (import/export)

"calcsMutation": "standard",
"reduceOptions": {
"calcs": [
"add100Percentage": true,
"centerAlignContent": true,
"overflow": "visible",
"SVGBaseFix": true,
"codeData": "{\n \"text\": \"Random text\"\n}",
"rootCSS": "",
"css": "* {\n font-family: Open Sans;\n}\n",
"html": "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">Recieved value <strong /></div>",
"renderOnMount": true,
"onRender": "",
"dynamicData": false,
"dynamicHtmlGraphics": false,
"dynamicFieldDisplayValues": false,
"dynamicProps": false,
"panelupdateOnMount": true,
"onInit": "const valueElt = htmlNode.querySelector(\"strong\");\n\n\nconst doSomething = (e) => {\n const value = e.detail;\n valueElt.textContent = value;\n};\n\ndocument.addEventListener(\"htmlgraphics\", doSomething);\n\nhtmlNode.onpanelwillunmount = () => {\n document.removeEventListener(\"htmlgraphics\", doSomething);\n};\n"