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Dynamic variables


Check out this article about mutations Arrays, Objects and Mutations

Dynamic variables basically means the variable mutates. Mutations basically means the variable changes (A good article about mutations).

Because it mutates there are some stuff to be careful about. The main thing is where you copy the variable from.

Example 1

Panel json
"calcsMutation": "standard",
"reduceOptions": {
"calcs": [
"add100Percentage": true,
"centerAlignContent": true,
"overflow": "visible",
"SVGBaseFix": true,
"codeData": "{\n \"text\": \"Random text\"\n}",
"rootCSS": "",
"css": "* {\n font-family: Open Sans;\n}\n\ {\n border: solid #555 2px;\n border-radius: 10px;\n padding: 10px 20px;\n}\n",
"html": "",
"renderOnMount": true,
"onRender": "",
"dynamicHtmlGraphics": true,
"dynamicData": false,
"dynamicFieldDisplayValues": false,
"dynamicProps": false,
"panelupdateOnMount": true,
"onInitOnResize": false,
"onInit": "console.log(\"ONINIT RELOAD\");\n\nconst data1 =;\n\nfunction update() {\n console.log(\"htmlGraphics\",[0].fields[1].state.calcs.last);\n console.log(\"data1\", data1.series[0].fields[1].state.calcs.last);\n}\n\nhtmlNode.addEventListener(\"panelupdate\", update);\n"

Let's say the first time you refresh the value is 10 and the second time the value is 20.


console.log('ONINIT RELOAD');

const data1 =;

function update() {
console.log('data1', data1.series[0].fields[1].state.calcs.last);

htmlNode.addEventListener('panelupdate', update);


htmlGraphics 10
data1 10

htmlGraphics 20
data1 10

Notice the first time it logs both htmlGraphics and data1 are 10, but the second time htmlGraphics is 20 and data1 is 10. The reason for this is because is assigned to data1 and htmlGraphics is the one with the dynamic variable.

For data1 to be dynamic Dynamic data object must be true.